Thursday, November 4, 2010


And still going strong! I have not made any progress towards labor this week and I was not prepared for how sad that would make me. I mean I fully expect, now, for Maleah to be born on 11-11, but that being said I was soooo disappointed that I had not gotten any closer to going into labor. Like somehow last week was a waste. But I know, Maleah was growing and getting stronger....but making progress towards labor is some how proof that things are going well. 11 happens to be my favorite number and I have felt from the start of this pregnancy that having 11-11 as a due date was God's way of telling me, reminding me, that He is in control, has a plan, a plan with my BEST interest in mind. And yet I let my fear cloud over that promise. After many tears at the dr this morning and then a great date night with Matt, I am able to see the bigger picture now and stop trying to control what is not mine to control. By the way, Maleah does not need to be born on 11-11 for me to feel that God fulled His promise to me. Just having that be the due date is comfort enough. Anyways, I am rambling. This week I am looking forward to my sisters coming up to visit and spending time with my niece Kylee. And yes, some day soon, meeting Maleah!

1 comment:

The Winger Family said...

Hang in there! You are a great mom. We are praying for you and baby girl!