Four years ago, at 7:14, our lives were changed for the better.
You came out screaming and kicking, earning yourself an apgar of 9,
which was amazing for a "34 weeker".
You continued to amaze us and your nurses,
with your ability to "make your needs known".
Sitting by your side during the day
and leaving you each night got harder everyday.
Singing to you "Jesus loves Reese" helped to get us through....
especially the part "little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong".
Finally we got to take you home and learn how to parent you 24/7.....
You decided to make up for lost time and made sure one of us stayed with you
ALL day and ALL night ;)
Now you are our beautiful four year old,
who still never wants to leave our sides,
but does, to do brave things like preschool!
You love to hear stories of when you were a tiny, tiny baby.
And we are more than willing to tell you of how Jesus has held you close all the days of your life.
We are amazed all that God has done in just four short years!
We love you with all our hearts Reesie Ry!