Monday, August 18, 2008

A picture is worth.....

Nobody likes to be sick, Reese included. I know she will get her fair share of colds throughout her life and this will help build her immune system. Still, we try to avoid as many germs as possible. Reese was in the nursery Sunday morning and came down with her cold Sunday afternoon. There is plenty of unknowing sick germ sharing going on, I would not want to share germs on purpose. Yet we still find kids in the nursery when they are sick, bummer! So now we wait out this cold, warn others we are sicko, and try the nursery again when Reese is well.

IF you have been through this same germ sharing fun how do you handle it? How do you decide when to put your kid back into the nursery? And how do you find fellowship with others when your kid has been sick for a long time?

I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)


heidik said...

Let me just echo your frustration with the sick kids in the nursery. That is how Finn came down with his first cold too and it is so frustrating. They need to look at it as a courtesy to other parents to keep their kids out while they are sick. This happened a lot while I was teaching too. It's just not fair to the other families. I hope you and Matt stay well!

Unknown said...

I hear you!! At least as a teacher we could send the sick kid to the office...Hope Finn fights it off soon! :)

Brooke said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Reese was sick...and Finn too! Is Reese feeling better yet? So far we've evaded the cold germs. Though, our turn is surely coming. One of the moms at church told me today that she's hesitant to leave her baby in the nursery because she doesn't want him to get sick. It's really sad that this is a problem. Why would a parent put their sick child in the nursery? Does the church have a policy on sick kids?