Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When left to fend for herself.....

I gave Reese a few cheerios and went to put the dishes back in the kitchen, just around the corner. Apparently she was not done eating her oatmeal. She was able to reach the bowl and spoon and began feeding herself. She decided the spoon was too much work. Fingers are best. When I returned and tried to help feed her again she said "No way! I do it myself now!" I guess we will be needing the bib again...and a towel.....and a hose down afterwards.... :)

1 comment:

Dana said...

I had the same experience this morning with actual oatmeal. I was in a hurry trying to get Kallen to preschool and Mara had oatmeal everywhere. I had to give her a bath before taking Kallen to school. Nothing like the unexpected challenges of motherhood when you are already late.

Good job Reese feeding yourself! So much fun.