So much has changed this month! Maleah is so much more aware, looking around and cooing mostly at Reese. She began this month playing baby Jesus in our Christmas program at church:
Then she decided it was time to sleep train me! I used to lay her down, swaddled for each nap that we were home and she would sleep well. Then she started waking up at 30 minutes like clock work and crying....she was still tired but couldn't make that transition to more sleep anymore. First I let her cry...but she did this for 1 1/2 straight, still not finding sleep. Reese was the same way. After trying just about everything, we found peace in the front pack:
After trying to have Maleah CIO for one nap a day and having her fight sleep that whole time I gave up for now. Plus Reese has a really bad cold that has her up every hour at night so I don't want Maleah to miss any sleep in trying to fight off this cold that Reese has.
In perspective, it is going really well. At least I have a way to nap Maleah that still gives me both hands! Some people talk about the 4th "trimester" and I think Maleah would agree with them!
She did take her first bottle this month and did so really well. My goal is to give her a bottle once a day...but right now it has worked out to every other day. We will do what we can for now! :)
Trust your instincts and do what feels right! Bayer was a great sleeper, but Ollie was not. He HATED being put to sleep on his back, even swaddled. He wanted to be on his tummy all the time. Finally, I started laying him down that way in his crib (shhhh, don't tell anyone) but I felt like I had to keep one eye open all the time because I was so worried about it. What is with these kids having such preferences so early on?! :)
Cant wait to see you guys in Feb!! It will be fun to look back at your blog when Maleah is sleeping peacefully in the near future :)
Kylee has a cold too. Praying for your family to get and stay healthy! Love you guys
Thanks Char! I appreciated your honesty!
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