Sunday, December 11, 2011

Grandpa Tolar

My Grandpa (Dad's dad) passed away this week. He was a man of his word because he was a man of God. We would attend his church with our family on Easter and Christmas. They sang hymns, voices only and I loved it! And each Easter we would sing "Up from the grave", my favorite song, so well sung voices only. That is my favorite Grandpa memory. And to think we will sing it again, together, in heaven......

Grandpa was a wonderful story teller. I loved asking him questions about what my dad was like as a boy. I would always ask many questions as he told the story and Grandpa would have to slow me down.... "Now just hang on a second! I am getting to that part!"

I LOVED Grandpa's laugh! Something so comforting about hearing him laugh. And he laughed often. At his own jokes, at his wife, at his 5 kids, and with his grandkids and great-grandkids. I can still hear his laugh in my head. I hope that sound never fades.

Now he is laughing and rejoicing with Jesus, and my Grandma, who also had a wonderful laugh. How amazing that they are living with our Lord now. So looking forward to a great big hug from both of them.

To honor Grandpa, I want to live to love Jesus more and more, just as he did. I want to help others when they need help, not when I feel like it. I want to tell others plainly, lovingly about Jesus and not worry about their response. Because it is between them and Jesus. I want to laugh often and rejoice with my family. I want others to feel His love when they are with us.

Because that is what Grandpa and Grandma did. Their lives sparked my curiosity about who Jesus was. I chose to accept Him, and both of my sisters did as well. I chose to marry a man that follows Him and we are choosing to lead our girls to as well. That is a living legacy.

Love you Grandpa! Thank you for your service to our country, to your family and to Him.

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