Today Reese is 3.5 years old and such a kid these days! Here is a quick summary of what her life is like these days:
Eating: We have been giving her smaller portions and this seems to help her eat better but she is a picky eater still! She trys a new food maybe once a week and usually doesn't like it. Good news, she is gagging less at smells and not complaining about the smell of our dinner anymore, or rarely. Bad news, she does not like the sight of spit up or Maleah moving rice cereal in and out of her mouth. Just looking at her sister during this time causes Reese to gag. Something to work on in the months to come!
Naps: Reese still naps 2-3 hours each day! Unless she is sick, then she doesn't nap at all or just an hour. She currently sleeps through Maleah's crys so that is wonderful!
Night time: Reese has trouble going to sleep at night. Not totally sure why. She does still seem to need that nap during the day, but maybe not that long? I don't know, I kinda like the days how they are! But we are working on the night time falling asleep, reading books downstairs instead of in bed in hopes of less negotiations once in bed. Once she falls asleep, she sleeps about 9-10 hours. We have gotten her a clock so she can get out of bed in the morning when it is an okay time so we will see how this works out and if it helps at night at all.
Learning: She is loving learning her letters, sounds and making words! The Leap Frog videos have helped with this and are great! We get them from the library. We also get the older kid version of signing time from the library and it is well done too. Reese also likes to watch Super Why on PBS another thing to make reading fun. She has just started to be able to write some letters too.
Play: I have not really directed her play until now. The goal is to help her focus on a task and see it through. Focus can be a struggle for her. We have just started this so it is done for 5 to 15 minutes (like you can play with Legos only until lunch is ready or color this picture for 5 minutes). So far not much resistance as we pair it with "This will help you be ready for school!" When Reese does free play, she is so imaginative and applies so many things during this time. I can usually see what kind of mommy I have been that week when I watch this play. ;)
Chores: We are just getting to be more consistent here and she also has more skill and interest now than at 3. Like last week "Hey mom, I should make my bed huh!" So now she is making her bed after night and after nap, because she thought it would be the right thing to do! She can fully dress herself socks and all. Going potty, washing hands and leaving the bathroom clean has gotten much better! I plan to make chore cards and keep it fun for me and for her.
Big sister: She is so loving to Maleah. Maleah just mostly watches Reese play, but any time Reese comes to talk to her and moves toys with her Maleah is extra attentive and smiles a ton. Reese loves to see that reaction.
Emotions: Reese is still very emotional but in a different way. At 3 her emotions could swing from happy to devastated in a seconded and she had a hard time when plans would change. Now it is through questions, like "Do you still love me?" many times throughout the day. She does need direct encouragement and celebration of accomplishments all throughout the day. But then again, who doesn't? :)
We have been staying home a lot for Maleah to work on her napping and Reese has been doing well with this when I give her times for doing things throughout the day. She still gets to go to BSF with my neighbor and her two girls and she looks forward to that each week.
Can't believe this is the same little tiny baby we brought home from the hospital! I love who this little girl is becoming!