Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What counts as a roll?

Way back in the beginning of Februrary Maleah rolled from her tummy to her back. But sadly, no one saw it. It still counts though right? ;)
Currently she is working on rolling from her back to her tummy but can't quite get her arm above her head to make this work for her.

So when do you count it as rolling over? Just one way or both? I know, a VERY important question!! :)


The Winger Family said...

One way...if we waited for both Kylee wouldn't have "rolled over" till she was much older! ;)

Tana said...

hey! Have you tried putting her arm down by her side? That's how Carver rolled from his back to his tummy. Miss you guys!

The Heitritter Family said...

I say one way. And Ollie rolled over when no one was looking too and then couldn't be bothered to do it again for months! Such a pill!