Maleah is now just about the length of this bed! She does stay swaddled pretty well....most nights I re-swaddle her once when I nurse her in the am (around 3 or 4). That is the other thing....I don't think she needs this early morning nursing as she only eats a little. Maybe she is waking to my sounds or I am waking to hers and then nursing her, not sure. But I am also not sure if she can make it 10 - 12 hours yet and I don't want to start my day at 5 or 6....I like 7-7:30! So some more changes are coming....
I was wanting Maleah to get napping down before we made a change at night because she sleeps so well at night I knew that could get her through the days of learning to nap in her bed. Currently she naps in her bed pretty well, waking once or twice for anywhere from 1 mintue to 45 mintues and then goes back to sleep.
But she can't stay in this little bed soon, very soon, she will only sleep in her room and in her bed....such a big girl!! ;) (Side note: she IS a big girl, now weighing 14lbs 12oz, which is double her birth weight!)
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