Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What if......

I am really good at "What if-ing" just about anything. My mind can wander in this direction without any effort. In fact it takes effort to not "What if" in my mind. Recently, Matt pointed out that Reese was doing a lot of "What if-ing" as well. Gotta love that. So we talked about it, about how when we worry about the future, we are not trusting God, because He has not taken us there yet. She responded by saying "I need to find my bible because I don't know it that well yet." Me too kiddo!

Since that talk we have discovered there are some good "what ifs", ones that are curious about things and so Reese and I have to stop and think, is this a worry what if or an excited what if. Helps to be training my mind with my daughter, as she is so good at keeping me accountable! ;)


Sue said...

I'm always so impressed with the things Reese says ... she's like a 30 year old in a 3 year old body. What a bright little girl!

Unknown said...

Thanks Susan! She is a thinker for sure!